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Flowers For Any Occasion 2023-Present
“Flowers For Any Occasion” utilizes rudimentary flower shapes, bright color combinations, and whimsical patterns to express a complexity of emotions as a queer, neurodivergent person. Verbal language is often insufficient in expressing my physical experiences and memories alone, but through personifying flowers, I create my own visual language to impart visceral feelings
As a painter, breaking outside the rectangular plane is crucial to my artistic practice. All the work from this series is made at my local library’s laser cutter that has only a 11”x 19.5” bed. The laser cutter limitations have forced me to experiment with new ways of expanding the work, resulting in pieces like Flowers For Connection, which utilizes plastic construction chains to connect several small pieces together.
Additionally, using bright color combinations allows me to participate in creating aesthetic pleasure and joy in a world where pleasure is condemned. Embracing pleasure is an act of rebellion in contemporary society. The goal of my work is to give the viewer a moment of visual relief from a world so desperate to bring us down, while also working through difficult feelings of my own.
Anna Galluzzi
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